Date: April - June 2014
Curator-in-residency at BAR project, Barcelona Artists’ in Residency, Barcelona.
BAR project is an independent, mobile and non-profit organization dedicated to promote artistic exchange through local, national and international residencies and collaborations, and by developing a public program issued from curatorial and research projects. Through its different projects BAR’s research process wishes to highlight relevant topics in the current political, social and economic paradigm: how to articulate its own working system, how to interact with other professionals and partners, and how to reflect on the position to be taken within in a post-Fordist immaterial labor system and the pace set by this context.
BAR project is initiated by the independent curators Juan Canela, Andrea Rodriguez Novoa and Veronica Valentini.
Residency Project: “You are never not supposed to be working”, second episode of “Bodies at Work”.
For more information see "You are never.." under Curated Projects >