Date: 30th October, 2019
Presentation on ‘Time and Residencies’ in the framework of ‘Solid Care’, one-day conversation on residencies as spaces of care at Hotel Maria Kapel, Hoorn (NL) [Link:]
Invited by: Miriam Wistreich, Maja Bekan
[Invitation letter]
Dear Angela,
We would like to invite you to contribute and to participate in or coming public event:
Solid Care - A one-day conversation on residencies as spaces of care at Hotel Maria Kapel on 30th October 2019 from 15.00-18.00 (please see further information below).
After 15 years of changing artistic leadership, and after having hosted dozens of artists in residence, Hotel Maria Kapel is taking time to reexamine how we work. This year is a year of reflection, repositioning and maintenance in which we try to understand how we work and how we might work better to serve our communities with energy and care.
In April 2019 the board of Hotel Maria Kapel appointed a committee of female artistic directors, Maja Bekan, Griet Menschaert and Miriam Wistreich to undertake this investigation and develop the artistic programme. As our first project we have invited artists Kevin Hunt and Harriet Rose Morley to reimagine the spaces of HMK.
The conversation event will mark the opening of the newly refurbished HMK space and reflect on the concept of caring in an institutional context, especially in the context of running an artist residency. We reach out to you because of your very inspiring text “Cultivating Time” in Unpacking residencies: Situating the production of cultural relations (2018) and your first hand knowledge in working with and in art residency. It would be wonderful to have your unique experience and your very interesting proposal to rethink the dimension of time in relation to art residency.
Miriam Wistreich & Maja Bekan