Res Artis Online Conference 2021 Bangkok
Defining the Next Decade 8 – 17 September 2021
Date: 10 September 2021
Res Artis is a 28 year old network of arts residency operators from around the globe. It comprises more than 550 members in over 75 countries. It is now based in Melbourne, Australia, after having been located for several decades in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2021, Res Artist organized a fully digital conference titled ‘Defining the Next Decade’ with a focus on the impact of COVID-19 and the future of the international arts residencies field.
Together with Miriam La Rosa (Australia), Pau Catà (Spain), Morag Iles (UK) and Patricia Healy McMeans (USA), we presented the ARRN network and our experience of how holding regular virtual meetings have provided a space for production and self-reflection, care and trust.
We touched on themes of presenciliality (the condition of 'being present’), chrono diversity, radical hospitality and cross-cultural resonance, the perception of space and the creative act as embedded in wider ecologies.
You can watch the recording of the presentation online on Res Artis You Tube channel here.
The conference was hosted by SAC Gallery, in Bangkok, Thailand and supported by ASEF culture360; KONNECT ASEAN, ASEAN Foundation; Goethe-Institut Thailand; Japan Foundation, Bangkok and Casa Asia
(press-release excerpt)
Titled Defining the Next Decade, the conference will examine the tremendous impact of COVID-19 and the future of the international arts residencies field. We will present the results of Res Artis survey data and examine new models of arts residencies that have evolved in response to the pandemic. This includes the rise in local exchange, virtual residencies, and digital residency activity that has occurred while physical exchange has been paused. Taking place during diverse time zones spread over two weeks in September, the virtual nature of this conference will reflect new digital residency activity emerging in the field and will offer greater accessibility for attendees and contributors alike. We will offer workshops and presentations from members of the art residency field throughout the world with a particular focus on those based in South East Asia and Thailand. The conference will include opportunities for facilitating small group interactions, artistic offerings as well as tours of Bangkok galleries and residencies tours. This promises to be a digital event unlike any other, in that through its programming and format will address the importance of meaningful “hosting” in the virtual realm.