This article was published in: boîte #18 , art magazine (Summer 2017)
"Boîte” magazine is a magazine in the shape of a cardboard box in a limited edition of 250 copies bringing together unbound pages, images and words. It was published from 2009 to 2019 by Boîte, a studio founded by Giulia Brivio and Federica Boragina devoted to research and production in the contest of the art publishing. Each issue dealt with one single topic from contemporary art, offering many different gazes from many different horizons.
"Boîte” #18 focused on the ‘non - documentation’. “Dare forma al tempo: tracce - tempo - residenze per artisti” is an article in Italian where I touched on issues of invisibility, artistic production and documentation of a residency’s period.
You can order a copy of the issue here: