The video “Configurations of time” is an adaptation of the lecture I delivered at the Saari Summer Assembly (Finland) in August 2021.
A premise of the presentation was the need to question a certain regimented notion of time as something both homogeneous and universal. This is expressed as a single, unidirectional timeline wherein a residency is usually seen as an orderly sequence of events. The residency starts; it is followed by a public presentation (in the form of an event or open studio); then the residency ends, and a final report is subsequently submitted to funding bodies. This approach often comes with strong expectations that participants will show, ‘here’ and ‘now’, what the experience of hosting an artist has brought to the place and to her practice. In this context, to search for alternative ways of understanding time can become a way to follow different tempos, or to give value to things that are currently unnoticed. Lastly, understanding time differently broadens the cast of actors involved in a residency programme: it raises the prospect of making space for human and more-than-human voices.
This video can be seen both as a speculative storytelling for a generic public and as an invitation for self-reflection for a specialized public.
Watch video on Vimeo (password protected).
Configurations of Time, Angela Serino, 2021 (video still)