curator, writer, researcher

Launches events "Between the Standing and the Inclined", Kunstlicht Issue Vol.44, N.4

Added on by Angela Serino.

What is the inclined? Why support structures? And how can these help us speak about change—(because yes, we still want many things around us to be different)? Support is generally intended as something that holds up or serves as a foundation, provides a basis for the existence or subsistence of someone or something, keeps from yielding, and gives comfort. Inspired by Adriana Cavarero’s words, this issue explores 'support' as all that sustains and shapes an art practice—what enables someone to stand as an artist or art professional today, whether in the absence of or despite certain systems, within the gaps of material constraints, transforming these limitations into opportunities for collective action and self-empowerment.

Guest-editors of this issue: Maja Bekan and Angela Serino, with contributions by Manuela Zammit and Alina Lupu, Patricia H. McMeans, Eleonore Pano-Zavaroni and Kathrin Wolkowicz, Multiple Choice, Irena Borić, Mari Kalabegashvili, Gunndís Ýr Finnbogadóttir, Yasmine Ostendorf-Rodriguez, toni kritzer.

Kunstlicht is a Dutch academic journal focusing on art, visual culture, and architecture.

Launch events were held at Casco Art Institute in Utrecht with presentations by artists toni kritzer and Patricia H. McMeans (20 January, 2024), and at Framer Framed in Amsterdam featuring art critic Manuela Zammit and artists Alina Lupu, Rumiko Hagiwara and Bea Mc Mahon from Multiple Choice, and Kathrin Wolkowicz (21 February, 2024).

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. Maja Bekan, Alina Lupu, Manuela Zammit, Angela Serino, Kathrin Wolkowicz. Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. “Hooray Everyone!” by Multiple Choice (video). Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at Framer Framed. “Hooray Everyone!” by Multiple Choice (video). Ph.: Balanslab

Kunstlicht launch at CASCO. Note by a spectator.

“Towards Permacultural Institutions: Curating Transformation”–Allyship

Added on by Angela Serino.

“Towards Permacultural Institutions: Curating Transformation”, Temporary Gallery – Center for Contemporary Art, Cologne (DE), 20-21 October, 2023.

Towards Permacultural Institutions: Curating Transformation” is a series of workshops curated by Aneta Rostkowska and Nada Rosa Schroer, in cooperation with the network. Inspired by permacultural practices, on this occasion I facilitated a workshop with invited participants, focusing on the ‘cultivation of margins’ as a necessary action to foster ‘allyship’.

“Against the backdrop of multiple social and ecological crises, the workshop series “Towards Permacultural Institutions: Curating Transformation” takes reflections on the application of permacultural principles in the cultural sector as the starting point for a three-part workshop series. The focus is on the question of what role art institutions can play in urgent transformation processes towards an ecologically just and decolonial society and what options they have for action.

What does it mean for art institutions to put themselves at the service of environmental activism and the climate justice movement? The first workshop on allyship will explore the possibility of supporting local groups organizers, and look for ways to build reciprocal relationships between actors and communities in the so-called Global South and North. What are the first steps towards decolonial allyship?” (Aneta Rostkowska and Nada Rosa Schroer).

Invited guests: Antonia Alampi, Jakeline Romero Epiayú, Chihiro Geuzebroek, Camilo Pachón, Ela Spalding, Angela Serino, AMA TWI.

The Art Residency Research Network at Saari Summer Well

Added on by Angela Serino.

The Art Residency Research Network (ARRN): Our journey coming together as group

Date: 19 August 2021

2020 has been a year of disruption, one in which we have been forced to stand still, hold our breath and experience forced closures and sudden and painful losses. The global pandemic has obstructed human life and suspended our day-to-day routines but it has also generated space for other forms to thrive. Indeed, it has been through our active engagement with the non-human (i.e. the land, the animals and our surroundings) that virtuality and ecology have acquired new meanings, enhancing the need to get together, share and care, to think and be otherwise. In this context, a small group of researchers and practitioners studying artists’ residencies (Pau Cata, Morag Iles, Miriam La Rosa, Patricia Healy McMeans and Angela Serino) have come together to share research, pique imagination, reflect on how residencies have been affected by the current zeitgeist, look at today’s challenges and importantly define new possible findings to keep with us for the next future. Our gatherings have initially taken the form of virtual meetings, through which we have explored creative online tools that enable us to support and exchange with one another. The invitation to participate at the Saari Summer Well in Finland has made this process of exchange even more relevant, prompting us to turn our working condition into an occasion, a ‘space’, for production and self-reflection. As a constellation of moments and spaces where we get to know each other better, share our artistic and curatorial practices and create in collaboration, we asked ourselves: can our process, based on periodic virtual meetings and the sharing of ideas and resources, be considered an extended hybrid residency? What if we understand our collaborative efforts as a long term virtual-analog opportunity to speculate on a yet-to-become artists’ residency model? We are exploring – in theory and practice, as well as virtually and analogically – the meaning of presenciliality (the condition of 'being present’) and its others, chronodiversity, radical hospitality and cross-cultural resonances, the disruption of habitus, the perception of space and the creative act as embedded in wider ecologies. Keywords: chronodiversity, radical hospitality, emergence, ecologies, residential practice.